My reason for writing this blog on affordable luxury items

The purpose of this blog is to dig deeper into the market for luxury items that are distinct and yet considered affordable.
While most bloggers typically write about a topic from a point of being expert, I’m writing from the standpoint of being interested in luxury items and wanting to learn more about them and the appeal.
Digging further into the topic, the key word for me is craftsmanship. My respect for the craftsmanship of a handbag came after speaking with Frederick Mannella of LXR Boutique in Beverly Hills who buys authentic handbags from private owners and then resells them. I interviewed him for articles I posted online here at
Browsing the glass cases of Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Hermes Birken bags near Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills may seem like a vain pursuit but considering that the handbags are hand sewn I thought otherwise.
The experience reminds me of when I was selling roofing for the Home Depot and we offered a premium roofing service – meaning more expensive than competitors yet highly reliable.
I met a family who was living in a nice home in a low-income to moderate-income neighborhood of east Los Angeles County. The husband was a manager at a yacht manufacturer.
Individuals and companies who bought yachts sustained this man’s family. His wife didn’t work and they had several children. He was proud of the products the company produced.
With so much negative talk during the 2012 presidential campaign against those who are high income earners, it would be easy to write off luxury goods as vanity or write them in a celebrity-focused, gossipy sort of way.
That’s not my style at all. I’m more interested in focusing on the craftsmanship and even learning about those who make them as well as those who own them and sell them.
Perhaps the real reason I’m writing about the topic is because creating quality in anything we do should always be a standard to achieve.

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